
The following deck has some unusual features. The regular French suitcolours have been replaced and it takes a closer look to establish which is which. The King of Tools (second row) looks much like a suicide king, so obviously the Tools have replaced the Hearts. The Ace of Dates (top row) is embellished, so the Dates must have replaced the Spades.
The Jacks all have their name mentioned in full in the design, but the Jack of Flutes is called "Jacques" here. He also resembles the one eyed Jack, but is in the wrong suit.

Spades are "Dates"
Hearts are "Tools"
Clubs are "Flutes"
Diamonds are "Snacks"

The "Club Buggery" deck was made by the Queen's Slipper Playing Cards and published in 1996 for ABC TV.
The deck consists of 52 cards and 2 jokers.


  -1-    -2-    -3-    -4-    -5-    -6-    -7-    -8-    -9-   -10- 
-11-  -12-  -13-  -14-  -15-  -16-  -17-  -18-  -19-  -20-

-21-  -22-  -23-  -24-  -25-  -26-  -27-  -28-  -29-  -30-
-31-  -32-  -33-  -34-  -35-  -36-  -37-  -38-  -39-  -40-
-41-  -42-  -43-  -44-  -45-  -46-  -47-  -48-  -49-  -50-
-51-  -52-  -53-  -54-  -55-  -56-  -57-  -58-  -59-  -60-
-61-  -62-  -63-  -64-  -65-  -66-  -67-  -68-  -69-  -70-
-71-  -72-  -73-  -74-  -75-  -76-  -77-  -78-  -79-  -80-