March 4


Today's lockdown deck was created by one of the tragic figures in German playing card manufacturing: Walter Scharff. He founded the Deutsche Spielkarten-fabrik in 1923 and added his name in 1925: Deutsche Spielkarten-fabrik Walter Scharff KG. I don't know the official name of his deck, we called it Art Deco, inspired by the designs of the queens. The deck probably dates from 1925. However, in 1928 the company was taken over by the VASS and since 1931 the decks were printed by the VASS and the former company became a sales office. The deck here has a German tax stamp that was in use between 1931 and 1936, so it's well possible that this deck was actually printed by the VASS. The cards have gold corners.
I called Walter Scharff a tragic figure and if you want to know why, read the complete story about Walter Scharff at our Card of the Month at the bottom of the Deck of the Month in March 2013: deck-month-13, press 03 and then scroll all the way down.