Ludwig von Beethoven was a German musician, composer and director, who lived from 1770 to 1827.
The used image is obviously a copy of the portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler from 1820.



Thüringen is a German state in the heart of the country. The state was created in 1920, when 7 small former monarchies were united.





Johann Christoph Friedrich (von) Schiller was an important German play writer, poet and philosopher, who lived from 1759 until 1805.

The Schwarzwald is the largest woodland in Germany. It's an area in the Baden-Württemberg state, with the Swiss border in the south and the French border, along the river Rhine, in the west.



Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher, who lived from 1724 - 1804, and is regarded as one of the fathers of the modern rational philosophy.

Oberbayern (Upper Bavaria) is nowadays one of the 7 regions of Bavaria. It once was a Duchy in the 14th century and the region is located southeast of Munich, bordering with Austria.


Albrecht Dürer (the younger), lived from 1471 - 1528, and was during his time the most important German artist. He was a painter and graphic artist, but also a mathematician and art theorist.

Spreewald is a small region of the German state Brandenburg, close to the Polish border. It's a woodsy moorland around the river Spree and its branches.






Apparently this deck was considered to be a rare one, as some cards also appear on a sheet of German stamps with other antique or rare German decks.