D.A. - O.F.
All the pips are handmade too. No stencils were used, but they each suit symbol was painted by hand separately. The surface of the cards is rough and unfinished. The backs have a floral design in gold against a black background. The leaves feel a bit silky. The cards are not made of obvious -handmade- layers and the floral design on the backs is not projected in the same manner on each card. So it seems that the artist has used wallpaper as basic material for this deck.
The aces show the craftsmanship of the artist very well. Remember that these cards measure 91x59 mm and the images themselves around 80x40 mm only. Still, even when enlarged, they show a fine technique and pallet.
It's only a thought, but maybe the artists preference for flowers contains a hint to his last name. Something with Fleur...... maybe?
But, no matter what his name is......
"Chapeau" for this unknown artist!