This beautiful ashtray was a birthday gift from Arno Sinselmeijer, a Dutch fellow collector. Somehow it looks a bit German, but there are no marks or anything, so it's hard to tell where this cute joker came from.

Playing cards on objects often have the international pattern. Here's an ashtray with 3 cards from the "Corsaires & Flibustiers" deck by Philibert. The deck is not often seen, but I think these ashtrays are really hard to find. We picked it up on a flea market in Paris.

An ashtray with 2 cards from the "Ciel de France" deck by the Miro Company. It came from another Parisian flea market.

Another unmarked ashtray with a card from the Berlin pattern.

A set of 2 small ashtrays with an interesting fantasy pattern. There were probably 4 of these, so we have something to look for when we are in France again. And of course we would love to find a matching deck too!

These milk-glass like ashtrays can be found in different versions. They all come from the Opalex factory in France. Here below another version and an advertising one.

A beautiful, delicate, porcelain set for smokers. There are no markings that can identify maker or country. We found it in Bruges, Belgium, during the "night market" in 2002.